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Supporting a Spouse That Has Been Charged with a DWI

A Law Firm with a Winning Tradition

Having a spouse go through the process of being charged with a DWI can be both upsetting and stressful. While you might be angry at your spouse for the fallout to come or for making a bad decision that could impact your family, they might need your support and resources now more than ever. Here are five things you can do to help your spouse that has been charged with a DWI navigate the process.

1. A Calming Resource

While you might be angry and upset with your spouse and the overall situation, try to remember that your spouse is probably feeling these emotions as well. If you can keep calm, this will help your spouse get through initial charges, meeting with attorneys, and working through courtroom proceedings. If you are calm, this can give your spouse the confidence they need to work with an attorney to possibly lessen or throw out DWI charges completely.

2. Keeping Business as Usual

If your spouse has lost privileges because of a DWI charge, such as a lost license, this can add tension to your everyday lives. Especially if a portion of your day-to-day routine involves your spouse driving to and from work, helping with kids, or running errands, anything that you can do to make your life seem as on track for your family, the better. This might include shouldering more kid pickups, or sourcing alternate transportation resources to and from work for your spouse. Anything that keeps your day-to-day routine feeling normal will help your family stay grounded and feel less impacted.

3. Finding the Right DWI Attorney

Your spouse might be physically and mentally exhausted from the overall experience of being charged with a DWI, but the next steps your family takes can make all of the difference. If you can help your spouse find a DWI attorney that can be in their corner and review all aspects of their case, this can open up other options and alternatives. This might include plea deals, counseling or public service alternatives, limited charges, or having a case thrown out completely.

4. Addiction Support Options

While a DWI charge might be a one time mistake, other times, this can be an indicator of an underlying addiction or problem that has spun out of control. If you think that your spouse might be addicted to alcohol on some level, try to have an open and honest conversation with them. If they can begin to look into addiction resources and meetings, this can go a long way when they are in court facing conviction to prove they are taking their actions seriously and working to rectify their behavior and the situation.

5. Taking Care of Yourself

One of the most important things that you can do for a spouse that has been charged with a DWI is to make sure you are emotionally strong enough to help them. Keeping your family running, sourcing an attorney, and being there for your spouse can take its toll over time. Find friends or family members you trust that you can talk with, or over source professional counseling to make sure your needs are met and you get a time-out to reflect on your current situation.

Getting charged with a DWI can be a scary experience in itself, but the next steps taken are important and need to be dealt with. If you can be there for your spouse when they need you, they will have better outcomes when it comes to the outcome of their DWI case. Working closely with their DWI attorney to prepare for court should be a priority, and anything that you can do to keep your family’s life running smoothly in the interim will get your spouse and your family’s life back on track. If you are looking for a DWI attorney in the St Paul area, contact us for advice or to review your case.
